tisdag 30 september 2014

Controlled domestic ventilation

Controlled domestic ventilation
Controlled domestic ventilation can be used in both low-energy and older houses. In low-energy houses the controlled ventilation system guarantees the required air exchange rate, even with the doors and windows closed. When older houses are renovated better thermal insulation could be used, along with fitting new windows to enable controlled domestic ventilation to achieve the necessary air exchange rate. These types of older building are often affected by street noise. A ventilation system would therefore be beneficial in these cases too. Controlled domestic ventilation with heat recovery When ventilation based on opening windows and controlled domestic ventilation without heat recovery are used, the energy from the inside air is not used. However the ventilation heat requirement accounts for a considerable part (40 – 50%) of the total heat requirement. In contrast to this, controlled domestic ventilation with heat recovery reuses the energy from the exhaust air. Not only that, the additional heat generated internally from lighting, people and domestic appliances is also utilised through heat recovery. Our FIGHTER exhaust air heat pumps facilitate heat recovery and supply the energy recovered from exhaust air for the domestic hot water and even the heating. Not only does energy recovery ensure a healthy and comfortable form of heating, it also produces considerable savings in terms of heat energy, along with CO2 emissions.

måndag 29 september 2014

Can it be docked to solar heating?

How often do I need to change filter? And where can I get a new one?
Information about air filters can be found in your “Installation and Maintenance Instructions” for the product. New filters can be ordered from NIBE if the filter needs changing.

Can it be docked to solar heating?
Here you can find a dockningsschema which describes the above case.

In which room should the ventilation air be taken?
It is slightly up to the individual, but it is recommended to take the air from bathroom, kitchen (not kitchen fan), hall, utility room etc. The supply air to the house is often through grilles under the windows or in the walls and these are placed in other rooms where one does not extract any air. Through this one obtains a natural flow and exchange of air throughout the house.

söndag 28 september 2014

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What is a heat pump and how does it work?
A heat pump is an electrical device that extracts heat from one place and transfers it to another. The heat pump is not a new technology; it has been used in Sweden and around the world for decades. Refrigerators and air conditioners are both common examples of heat pumps.
Heat pumps transfer heat by circulating a substance called a refrigerant through a cycle of alternating evaporation and condensation (see Figure 1). A compressor pumps the refrigerant between two heat exchangers. In one heat exchanger, the evaporator, the refrigerant is evaporated at low pressure and absorbs heat from its surroundings. The refrigerant is then compressed en route to the heat exchanger, the condenser, where it condenses at high pressure. At this point, it releases the heat it absorbed earlier in the cycle.

lördag 27 september 2014

Controlled domestic ventilation

Controlled domestic ventilation

Nowadays we spend around 90% of the time indoors. This undoubtedly places great demands on the climate inside. The inside climate is affected considerably by odours, harmful substances, noise and temperature. In every building there is a certain amount of basic ventilation, even if it is only produced by air coming through windows, doors, pipe ducts and walls. This type of ventilation, in older houses in particular, provides the necessary exchange of air. Ventilation is also provided through opening windows and doors, perhaps also when one or more windows are opened at an angle. Strong wind pressure and a difference in temperature between the interior and the exterior also increase the exchange of air. On the other hand, a weak wind or small temperature difference will reduce the required air exchange rate. This uncontrolled ventilation also accounts for a significant part of the heating costs and causes a considerable proportion of non-renewable energy resources to be wasted. Low-energy house In contrast to this, there is the low-energy house concept. A construction design is used in this type of house that prevents heat from escaping through use of effective thermal insulation. This also means that low-energy houses benefit the environment. But even with this construction design, there is still the problem that the required hourly air exchange rate of 0.5 – 1.0 is not achieved. To achieve the required air exchange rate either the windows would have to be opened, which would run counter to the whole low-energy house concept, or installation of a controlled domestic ventilation system with heat recovery would have to be considered.

fredag 26 september 2014


These pollutants vary considerably according to the inside climate conditions, the state of ventilation and the design and use of the inside area. When energy-saving measures were introduced in the early 1970s, considerable efforts were made to improve the insulation used in the construction industry. This led to a reduction in the air exchange rate inside buildings. From a health and allergy perspective, the ideal air exchange rate would be 0.5 – 1.0, but in actual fact, air ex change rates in appropriately insulated houses are only between 0.3 and 0.5, which means that the polluted inside air is exchanged far too in-frequently. Based on the reasons given above, an increase in the incidence of complaints affecting the population is inevitable. This is where controlled domestic ventilation can have a particular role to play. Its purpose is to control temperature and dampness, while ensuring that the quality of the inside air is totally hygienic. The relevant technical guidelines and hygiene regulations are stipulated by DIN 1946.

torsdag 25 september 2014

Save energy, water and money

Save energy, water and money An energy-efficient, A-labelled heating circulator uses up to 80% less energy than a conventional D-labelled model, cutting around 10% off an average household's annual electricity bill. To benefit from year-round savings on energy bills and CO2 emissions you should replace your old circulator with an ALPHA2 now. Also new building projects deserve ALPHA2.
Likewise, the Grundfos hot water recirculation pumps help you save water and energy. Many people wait for hot water for more than 60 seconds. With instant hot water, litres of cold water is saved from running down the drain during the wait.

onsdag 24 september 2014



Unmatched home comfort
Most people associate a comfortable home with a warm and cosy indoor environment. That is why a domestic heating circulator pump is an integral part of any household with central or district heating. It represents the heart of the system and is responsible for moving hot water from the heating boiler to heating devices such as radiators, and for securing optimum heating regulation.
Most people also appreciate the pleasure of instant hot water. A hot water recirculation solution ensures that you never have to wait for hot water in showers and taps.

tisdag 23 september 2014

Expansion valve

Expansion valve
On its return to the evaporator from the condenser the high-temperature, high-pressure liquid refrigerant must be changed to the low-temperature, low-pressure liquid that enters the evaporator. This is usually achieved by a throttling device known as the expansion valve. When the hot liquid passes through this valve, not only will its pressure be reduced but at the same time its temperature will drop. As the pressure drops, refrigerant starts to evaporate in the valve and the heat of evaporation is taken from the refrigerant itself which causes its temperature to drop and the result is a low-temperature, low-pressure mix of liquid and vapour.

måndag 22 september 2014


In the compressor the low pressure of the low-temperature refrigerant from the evaporator is raised to a pressure that is sufficiently high to match the desired condensing temperature in the condenser. During compression not only the pressure but also the temperature of the refrigerant will increase. 

söndag 21 september 2014




Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to own a giant truck mounted vacuum to perform professional quality duct cleaning. In fact, in larger buildings it is imperative to use portable equipment in order to gain access to all cleaning locations. Truck mounted duct vacuums are more suitable to residential work. Two types of vacuums are required for successful duct cleaning. First is a large HEPA filter equipped negative air machine generating at least 4000 CFM. This unit is connected directly to the duct and maintains the section being cleaned under negative pressure to prevent contamination of the occupied space. It also collects all debris loosened in the cleaning process. A portable HEPA vacuum should also be on hand for contact vacuuming of turning vanes, plenums, coils, drip pans, registers, and other surfaces

lördag 20 september 2014


The evaporator is a low-temperature heat exchanger where the refrigerant enters as a low-temperature liquid, absorbs heat from the heat source by evaporation at a low pressure and leaves as a low-temperature vapour.

fredag 19 september 2014

How does a Heat Pump work?

How does a Heat Pump work?

To implement a heat pump cycle the following items are required: a high temperature heat exchanger, a low temperature heat exchanger and a heat transfer medium that transports heat from the low temperature source to the high temperature sink. Currently, the most common design involves four main components: evaporator, condenser, compressor and expansion valve. The heat transfer medium is called refrigerant.

torsdag 18 september 2014


The condenser is a high-temperature heat exchanger where the refrigerant enters as a high-temperature vapour, rejects heat to the heat sink by condensation at a high pressure and leaves as a high-temperature liquid.

onsdag 17 september 2014

Cleaning air ducts

Cleaning your air ducts is important. It helps maintain your heating and air conditioning unit. Over time, dust can accumulate within your duct work and can cause a clog. It can cause your unit to work much harder than it usually would, which can lead to higher energy bills. In addition, the dust blows all around your house, and you can experience some allergy related reactions to the excess dust. Under other circumstances--like a rodent or bug infestation--it is recommended that you consult a professional duct cleaning service. However, for simple dust removal, you can perform this task on your own. 

tisdag 16 september 2014

Household toxics

The average home uses about 60 toxic chemicals in household products. You can reduce that number -- and the health threats from exposure -- by choosing safer alternatives to clean your home

måndag 15 september 2014

Air quality

Air quality indoors is often significantly worse than outdoors. Because the average American spends 90 percent of their time indoors, cleaner air can make a big difference for health today and in the future

söndag 14 september 2014

Children at risk

Every day we are exposed to hundreds of chemicals in the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. They are in our homes, schools and workplaces. Some of these chemicals are more pervasive than others, some more toxic, and some longer-lasting. Many of these chemicals are known to cause cancer and other health problems.
Emerging science continues to uncover new health prob- lems linked to various chemicals and chemical combina- tions, but some things are already quite clear. First, children are incredibly sensitive to chemical pollution. Their devel- oping organs and systems, as well as their natural behavior, put them at tremendous risk. Second, rates of environmen- tally related diseases, such as birth defects, childhood can- cer, asthma and other serious health problems among children, are increasing. Third, some chemicals are simply too toxic, too dangerous to children, to allow exposures to continue. We simply must protect children from these toxic pollutants at least as aggressively as we are moving to protect them from tobacco smoke and other similar threats.

lördag 13 september 2014

Creatin an Eco-Healthy hom

Babies and children are uniquely vulnerable to the chemicals  in the household as they explore the world with their hands and mouths.

You can reduce the burden of these chemicals on your family's health with simple, cost-effective changes

fredag 12 september 2014

Five healthy home tips

Five simple healthy home tips

Because we spend most of our time indoors, a healthy home environment is essential to good health. Here are five easy and affordable tips you can use to reduce toxics and keep your home healthy.
Healthy home habitsGet fresh air flowing
Indoor air can be 3-5 times more polluted than outside. Try opening the windows for five minutes each week, and turning on your bathroom fan or kitchen fan while you cook or shower for 20 minutes. This will draw stale air out and allow fresh air in.
Dust regularly
You can reduce exposure to lead from paint, flame retardants from furniture, and residue from cooking or cleaning by dusting with either plain water and a rag, or a microfiber dusting cloth. Dusting sprays or other cleansers are not needed.
Take your shoes off at the front door
When you take those first four steps into your home, that’s where you track in any heavy metals, pesticides, oil, and other pollutants. Leave your shoes at the door or use a rough doormat at the door.

Keep plastic out of the microwave
When food is in contact with plastic and then heated, it is possible for chemicals to move from the plastic into the food. “Microwave safe” only means that the microwave won't harm the plastic. Put your food on a glass dish for microwave heating.

Use green cleaning recipes
Save money and avoid toxics with five simple ingredients for all your cleaning needs: 1) white vinegar, 2) baking soda, 3) plain castile soap, 4) hydrogen peroxide. The fifth ingredient is your own scrubbing power: green cleaning might take a bit more time or scrubbing effort, but the health benefits are worth it

torsdag 11 september 2014

A word about radon

A word about radon

Radon gas is a serious health threat, but your nose and eyes won't tell you if it is present in the home